After the day-long workshop last week, Sassy and I were invited to be on the Superdogs team for two days this week. They are recruiting talent to help build local resources for the teams, based in Calgary and Toronto.
We performed in six shows and had a blast doing it. It was a great new experience for us, performing for thousands of fans under flashing lights, thundering applause and cheers. Putting Sassy in a sit/stay on a box behind the curtains in order for me to work in other areas and coming back to find her still there! After the first day, she would get excited when she knew we were about to go on and start barking...just like when she realizes we're at our weekly agility class.
Among the events, we ran hurdles/tunnels relays, a weaves challenge and a game similar to musical chairs with mats replacing the chairs. After each show, the audience would come down and pet the dogs. Sassy got some great socialization practice as she fits the Sheltie temperament and is normally wary of strangers. With an "open bar" of liver treats from me, she was really enjoying the attention and doing tricks while being petted by the crowds of kids.
Thank you to Seanna O'Neill, the head trainer (and a World's agility champion) and to Chase, the producer and MC of the Superdogs show. All the other handlers were friendly and helpful and totally committed to putting on the best show possible, three times a day (four on Saturday!). What a workout.